World-renowned royal jelly

In the 1950s, a pale yellow milky substance found in nature gained widespread attention as a health food around the world. This was royal jelly.
In 1954, Pope XII, who was over 80 years old, had his health deteriorate despite receiving Western medical treatment. He tried taking royal jelly for several weeks continuously and noticed a significant improvement in his health and vitality.
In 1956, Pope XII attended the 17th World Beekeeping Congress held in Rome and introduced the effects of royal jelly on himself, which greatly shocked the participants. “Royal jelly is a food given to us by God that can make people happy forever,” he expressed his views on royal jelly.
From then on, royal jelly became world-famous.
Royal jelly, also known as royal jelly or bee milk, is a mixture of secretions from the royal jelly gland and the upper lip gland of worker bees, specifically used to feed the queen bee and 3-day-old larvae. Royal jelly is a pale yellow, milky substance with a sour and spicy taste. It contains a balanced nutrition with various proteins, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, and unique component royal jelly acid, which is very helpful to human health.
The extraordinary longevity of the queen bee comes from royal jelly. The queen bee and ordinary worker bees are both hatched from fertilized eggs with the same genetic makeup. However, the queen bee possesses characteristics and abilities that worker bees do not have because she has the privilege of consuming royal jelly for her entire life. The queen bee is 2-3 times longer than a worker bee and has a lifespan of 30-40 times that of a worker bee.
